Sale Up To 50% Off Breitling Avenger Replica For Sale

Breitling Avenger Replica

Breitling Avenger Replica DIN 8330 Watch 103Breitling Avenger Replica DIN 8330 Watch - 103 TI UTC IFR - Back

The Breitling Avenger Replica 103 Ti IFR is the second version, which also features the same titanium casing. The main difference between them is their functionality. The first has only a clock function. However,swiss replica watches the second also includes a UTC. A centrally mounted gray hands shows the second time zone. The leather-strap variant is available for $3,220 while the bracelet version costs $3,580.

The 857 VFR is the last watch in the Breitling Avenger Replica DIN range. It's a non-chronograph. This unique novelty has a rotating bezel, a second time zone and UTC. The stainless steel case measures 43mm in diameter by 12mm thick.Patek Philippe Replica Watches The case has been treated with TEGIMENT Technology. The surface layer of steel is hardened to approximately 1200 Vickers by a chemical process (normal steel is around 220 Vickers).

The matte black dial features large Arabic numerals in white. The dial is centered with an orange 24-hour time scale that shows the second time zone via an orange arrow. The 857 VFR is powered by an ETA 2893-2 auto movement. The leather strap version costs $2,390 while the steel bracelet model is $2,670.

Orders can be placed via the official website. The watch is expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2016.